In 1974, Little Rock Scripture Study offered its first Bible study on the Acts of the Apostles for 150 people gathered in Little Rock, Arkansas. We've been growing ever since. Today, Little Rock Scripture Study offers a wide variety of resources to individuals and groups who are seeking to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ through studying, praying, and living the Word of God. Little Rock Scripture Study is proud to have grown from a small, inspired lay movement into a global, award-winning Bible study program in the last 50 years. We remain dedicated to our mission of providing accessible, trusted, transformative Bible study resources for Catholics today. For those who have been growing and studying with us for years or even decades, thank you. If you are new to Little Rock Scripture Study, we look forward to sharing with you all that we have to offer!
Featured Anniversary Studies

Women in the New Testament
Now Available!
Women were essential to the ministry of Jesus and the flourishing of the early church. In Women in the New Testament, trusted guide Catherine Cory delves into the lives of the fascinating women who befriended Jesus, were healed and transformed by him, followed him as disciples, and proclaimed the good news of his resurrection. Journey through the New Testament, exploring the social and religious world of first-century Palestine and the remarkable lives of these women of faith.
Six lessons survey New Testament texts about Mary the mother of Jesus, women healed by Jesus, the Samaritan woman, Mary and Martha of Bethany, Mary Magdalene, and various women of the early church, such as Priscilla and Phoebe. Commentary, study and reflection questions, prayers, and access to online lectures are included. 6 lessons.
Watch introduction video to learn more:
Women in the Old Testament
Available Fall 2024
In Scripture we encounter God and come to know God’s people. Women in the Old Testament, Part One, takes you on a journey through Israel’s beginnings, Israel’s captivity and freedom, and Israel’s tribal period from the perspective of the earliest women of salvation history, such as Sarah, Deborah, and Ruth.
Guided by the classic commentary of Irene Nowell, OSB, and the contemporary scholarship of Jaime Waters, enter into these ancient stories of women of the Bible that remain rich and relevant for believers today. Commentary, study and reflection questions, prayers, and access to online lectures are included. 5 lessons
While we may know the Bible stories of Israel’s military leaders, kings, and prophets, we are often less familiar with the stories of the women who helped to establish a monarchy, defend Israel’s interests, and reflect God’s image in unique ways.
In Women in the Old Testament, Part Two, a continuation of the classic commentary by Irene Nowell, OSB, in conversation with the contemporary voice of Jaime Waters, you will explore stories of women of the Bible such as Judith and Esther, whose complexities and gifts broke stereotypes and continue to reveal God to us. Commentary, study and reflection questions, prayers, and access to online lectures are included. 4 lessons.